Nomination EU-Mies Van Der Rohe Award
Best Schoolbuilding 2020
Best Schoolbuilding 2020! We are very honoured that the expansion of the Rietveld Academie was awarded Best Schoolbuilding of the Year 2020! Big thanks to the jury formed by Gus Tielens, Bas van Dam, Anuska Pronkhorst, Tako Postma, Thomas Dieben and Marieke Klums for this honourable distinction. See here the jury rapport.
Best building 2020
Happy + Proud! The extension of the Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut was awarded Best Building of 2020 in the category Stimulating Environments. You can find the jury rapport of the Dutch Architects Association (BNA) here
Nomination Best Schoolbuilding 2020
september 2020
We are very proud that the expansion for the Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut is nominated by Architectenweb Awards for Best Schoolbuilding of the Year in the Netherlands. The jury consists of Gus Tielens, Bas van Dam, Annuska Pronkhorst, Tako Postma, Thomas Dieben and Marieke Kums.
Yearbook for Architecture 2020
september 2020
The Rietveld expansion is published with four nice pages in the yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 2020. Every year, an editorial team of three people presents a selection of special projects completed in the past year and describes the most important developments that influence Dutch architecture. This year the editorial team was formed by Kirsten Hannema, Teun van den Ende and Arna Mackic
Nomination Building of the Year 2020
september 2020
We are overjoyed with our nomination as the building of the year 2020. The expansion of the Rietveld Academie is nominated as one of the top ten new buildings of the year in The Netherlands according to the association for Dutch architects. The jury consits of chairman Nellie Kroes and Ronald Schleurholts, Rob van Kalmthout, Saartje van de Made, Jolijn Valk and Emile Spek.
Composting Vararesti
juli 2020
The Fluck van Eesteren & Van Lohuizen_foundation awarded Studio Paulien Bremmer with a grant for ‘Composting Vacaresti’, a proposed research into the transformation of Lacul Vacaresti in Bucharest, Romania. This research looks at the transformation of the abandonned concrete reservoir, which was started in Ceausescu's times, into the nowaday's rich, diverse, and protected nature.
Publication GRA in German Magazine Detail
april 2020
The Rietveld Academie is beautifully covered in an eight page publication on the making and detailing of the building in the April issue of the German magazine Detail
A Perfect Day
april 2020
Drawing exposition A Perfect Day is from 05.03.2020-15.03.2020 on shown at Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. With work from o.a. Guy Vording, John Körmeling, Kamagurka, Koos Busters, Miriam Elia, Olga Scholten, Paul Faassen and Rogier Roeters. The completely circular exhibition design is done by Studio Paulien Bremmer.
Moving Images of Expansion Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut
december 2019
Filmmaker John Treffer shot very nice images scanning the interior of the expansion with his drone camera.
See the images here
Dezeen Publishes Expansion Rietveldacademie + Sandberg instituut
see publication here